Beyond the Broomstick - with Medium Matilda

Over Egging the Spiritual Cake

August 06, 2024

In todays episode Matilda talks about spiritual overload and what it can look like to over indulge in spiritual information without putting the work that is offered into practice. 

She talks extensively about how we can over indulge by pushing our energy out towards different options to defer from actually taking action and encourages people to start taking action, working on their own power and decide what path to go down before they waste too much time in procrastination.

At the end of the episode Matilda talks about the current energy and world events that seem to be a lot and how to manage your energy to build resilience as things are not getting better anytime soon.

You can find Matilda at these links.


Matilda's Website

You Tube


Matilda's Law of Attraction Event

Order an Angry Mango Ball

With Laurie Rivers of the Awake Space


Laurie Rivers 

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