Beyond the Broomstick - with Medium Matilda
Beyond the Broomstick is a behind the scenes look at all things spiritual.
Matilda is a 20 year veteran of professional mediumship with a clientele that reaches across the globe. Reading for everyday people and celebrities alike Matilda delivers this no nonsense, eye opening look at spirituality, the afterlife and pulls apart the cult like social media faux mediums.
If you want to know the truth about mediumship, fake mediums, cults like New Age Spirituality listen to Matilda and her take on and understanding of all things spiritual.
From undermining the Hollywood(esq) take that the social media mediums portray Matilda tells it like it is and takes no prisoners whilst doing so
Beyond the Broomstick - with Medium Matilda
Conspirituality, synchronicity and Clocks
In this episode Matilda talks about conspirituality and the damage it can do to people with faux mediums pushing their own agenda.
We also talk about synchronicity and how beauty of it. Including Matilda's own story of a very special clock.
Including talk about the lack of a rapture with the eclipse and predictions for the coming weeks, this episode is packed with information for you.
Matilda's Links